By Marissa Hedlund, Heritage Garden Programs Intern

If you’ve been keeping up-to-date about the Heritage Garden, you may remember that the kohlrabi and cabbage we had planted was getting eaten up by an unknown pest. Well … the pest is still unknown, but it ate up everything in the garden. Every single leaf on every single tomato plant has been devoured.

I was really looking forward to a big tomato harvest, but sadly, none of the plants were able to make it to maturity before the pests struck. I am concerned about the future longevity of the Heritage Garden; we have pesticide/spray-free grounds at the museum and employ 100 percent organic practices within the garden, but we may have to find a creative solution to prevent an invasion for next spring.

On a happier note, I am so excited to host my Fairy Garden Workshop on Saturday, Oct. 7 (currently sold out)! It is looking like we’ll be hosting another Fairy Garden Workshop before Christmas, so keep an eye on the event calendar at if you were unable to secure a spot for the October workshop. As always, we have an Immigrant Foodways program every second Saturday at the museum. These events are a great way to learn more about the Heritage Garden and other garden-related history, as well as giving visitors an opportunity to taste some authentic Czech and Slovak cuisine. (Did I mention that they’re free?).

Until next time,


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