The National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. It is governed by a Board of Trustees and has a National Advisory Council.

The NCSML is funded in part by a grant from the Cultural Enrichment Partnership Program administered by the Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs.

2025 Officers

Sharon Schweitzer, Chair

Virginia Wilts, 1st Vice Chair

Ron Detweiler, Treasurer

Ashley Vanorny, Secretary

Josh Moore, Immediate Past Chair

George Drost, JD, Past Chair

Steve Michalicek, Past Chair

2025 Board of Trustees

Karen Brown

Tom Dine

Denver Dvorsky

Alex Gagamov

Anne Gillespie

Tony Golobic

Bruce Hamous

Dr. Charles Heller

Dr. Martina Hrvolova

Dr. Martin Izakovic

Robert Kazimour

Representative John Mica

Ernie Melichar

Jacob Pipkin

Dr. Miriam Potocky

Dr. Martin Prochazka

David Rafaidus

Dr. Cecilia Rokusek

Joe Seliga

Michael Seng, JD

Angel Thomas, SVP

Ted Townsend

Bob Vancura

Ashley Vanorny

Richard J. Vavra

Monika Vintrlikova

Steven Zlatos, JD

David Zrostlik

National Advisory Council

Dr. Pavol Demes

His Excellency Hynek Kmonicek, US Ambassador of the Czech Republic

His Excellency Radovan Javorcik, US Ambassador of the Slovak Republic

Wendy Luers

PhDr Michal Lukes, The National Museum in Prague

Dr. Sally Mason

Ambassador Vincent Obsitnik

PhDr. Branislav Panis, Director of the Slovak National Museum

Chuck Peters

The Honorable Tom Ridge

Gary Rozek

Dr. Jan Vilcek

Marica Vilcek

The Honorable Michael Zantovsky