“Dej Bůh Štěstí” stands out on the can of beer. “God gives happiness” is more than a translation. It is a meaning and way of life. Life is about happiness, amidst the hard work, struggles, and challenges. Together we toast, laugh, and live our lives never forgetting the importance of happiness. The pictured beer is brewed in a small town in East Texas. Czech beer and Czech spirit shows up and is celebrated in various ways around the country, and beer is always part of the fun. It has been that way for more than a thousand years, according to The Official Tourist Website of Prague, and according to the Beer Museum in Prague, there are about 250 breweries of all sizes in Czech Republic. Meats and cheeses go well with beer, as do laughter, friends, and fellowship, which is why the NCSML hosts Brewnost.
The 15th annual BrewNost will be Sept. 14. This video reveals more than the event; it shows happiness of celebration of friends, food, culture, and good times. All beverages will be specially paired with culinary creations by chefs from some of the finest restaurants in the Cedar Rapids area. Also, celebrity auctioneer Nicholas “Nicho” Lowry, president of Swann Auction Galleries in New York City and frequent appraiser on the PBS series Antique Roadshow, will return for the popular Live Auction part of the event.
The event is a major fundraiser to help the NCSML continue to preserve and share the wonderfully human stories of the Czech and Slovak cultures, heritage, and history.
If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities for BrewNost 2019, contact Becky Robinson at brobinson@ncsml.org or at 319-362-8500. Tickets may be purchased online for this year’s event.