Anna Tanalski
Cataloging and Special Collections Librarian
Email: atanalski[at]
Andrea Siebenmann
Director of Museum Store and Visitor Services
Email: asiebenmann[at]
Andy Whiting
Director of Community Outreach and Development
Email: awhiting[at]
Cecilia Rokusek
President and CEO
Email: crokusek[at]
Courtney Miller-Yanda
Museum Store and Front of House Assistant
Email: cmyanda[at]
Dalibor Mikulas
Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Email: dmikulas[at]
David Muhlena
Library Director
Email: dmuhlena[at]
Grant Smith
Director of Facilities
Email: gsmith[at]
Isaac Wiedenman
Meeting and Event Manager
Email: iwiedenman[at]
Jodie Murphy
Front of House Associate
Email: jmurphy[at]
Luis Flores
Membership and Database Manager
Email: lflores[at]
Madison Lihs
Education Specialist
Email: mlihs[at]