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Czech ‘Em Out Book Club: Praguers Around the Wold

Praguers Around the World book cover

Czech ‘Em Out Book Club meets on the third Monday of each month with NCSML volunteer Steve Pederson in the Skala Bartizal Library following the reading of each months selected book. You can purchase this month’s book from the Museum Store.

October’s selection — Praguers Around the World: Seven Comics About Successful Czechs Abroad, by Martin Nekola

Prague, the City of a Hundred Spires, is a gem among European cities. It has presented the world with many noteworthy personalities. Some have gone abroad and established themselves in a wide range of fields, from sports to science to art. 

About the Author:

Martin Nekola created the Czechoslovak Talks project to collect inspiring stories of compatriots abroad so that especially the younger generation can realize that freedom is not automatic and that the path to success is often steep and paved with toil. His first book includes seven such life stories with the hope they will be a source of inspiration and reflection for all readers.

About the Book Club Moderator:

Steve Pederson is an UW Eau Claire graduate with a history major and a Scandinavian studies minor. He taught U.S. history, economics, and advanced placement American history in two Wisconsin high schools. Living in Iowa for the past 19 years, Steve is currently employed as a tour guide for the Walter’s Frank Lloyd Wright Usonian home at Cedar Rock State Park in rural Buchanan County.

Cost: Free

Praguers Around the World book cover

Would you like to join from afar to take part in this book club? Please join us on Zoom at the following link!


Meeting ID: 857 9513 4158  Passcode: 2222

By Phone: One tap smart phone: +16469313860,,85795134158#,,,,*2222# US


October 20
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
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