December 7 – 16, 2024

Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? This tour leads you from city to city and has so much to offer, from Christmas markets to magical scenery and wonderful culinary delights – there’s something for everyone here. With so much to see and do, don’t miss out on this exclusive adventure. This trip will capture your heart!

Deadline to apply: End of October 2024

Featuring stops in Budapest, Bratislava, Prague and Dresden

Friday, December 6 – Overnight Flight to Budapest

Begin your travels with an overnight flight from U.S.A. to Budapest.

Saturday, December 7 – Budapest (UNESCO World Heritage Site)

Our first visit will be to the famous Budapest market and opportunity to exchange currency. After the market we will meet with a local Pest guide for sightseeing and view the outside parliament building and the riverside. Lunch and free time to discover the city on your own to explore the city Christmas market. We will meet again early in the evening and have dinner together plus enjoy a performance of a local Folk dance group. We will have our own private show with an explanation of main Hungarian regions and then return to the hotel.

Sunday, December 8 – Budapest

In the morning, we will visit Buda side. Walk around the castle and enjoy the view across the river. Afterwards a tour in the Museum in the Rock – showing fascinating history of WWII in Budapest. Lunch will be together with the group and then we will take the local funicular up to the National Gallery.  Here we will have a local guide and will learn about some impressive art. Rest of the day you will have to enjoy the Christmas markets and atmosphere. Dinner will be on your own.

Monday, December 9 – Szentendre – Esztergom – Bratislava

Our first stop will be in small but famous town Szentendre. Here we will walk through narrow and picturesque streets, visit local street market with traditional handicraft and art. Our next stop will be Esztergom. Before visiting the famous Basilica with a guided tour, we will have a lunch together. Then we will cross the border to Slovakia. After the arrival in Bratislava, we will check-in and have a dinner in the hotel.

Tuesday, December 10 – Bratislava

We will have sightseeing in the morning. Bratislava has nicely renovated historical city center. We will walk through, so participants will get sense of directions. For lunch we’ll be on our own, but this is a very busy place and is easy to communicate in English. Then we will visit museum of wine. Later in the afternoon and evening we will visit local Christmas market. Afterwards we will return to the hotel, relax a bit and then will have dinner here with traditional Slovakian folk music.

Wednesday, December 11 – Vienna (UNESCO World Heritage Site)

Today we will visit Vienna. It is about 1.5 hour drive from Bratislava. On the way to Austria we will have brief stop at Devin castle, first time mentioned in records in 9th century. We will have a chance to see exteriors only and enjoy the view on Danube River. After the arrival in Vienna city center, we will have time for a lunch and to discover Vienna on your own, enjoying it’s Christmas markets. Dinner will be with the group in restaurant in Bratislava.

Thursday, December 12 – Lednice (UNESCO) – Brno – Prague

Today we will cross the border to Czech Republic. Our first stop will be beautiful chateau in Lednice, where we will have a guided tour. This entire area including local park and greenhouse is an UNESCO site. From Lednice we travel to Brno, the capitol of Moravia. Here we will have a lunch together, visit historical town center and have another chance to visit Christmas markets. Brno will be the cheapest market as not many tourist arrive at this time of the year. We drive on to Prague. We will arrive early in the evening. Our hotel is near the Prague castle. For the evening you’ll be on your own. There are many restaurants around the hotel and all have menu in English

Friday, December 13 – Prague

First full day in Prague. We will have a sightseeing of the city. Starting by Prague castle and walk down to the city center. On each step you can see something interesting and special. Lunch will be together with the group and then we will continue in sightseeing, cross the Charles Bridge to the Old Town. The guided tour will end up at the Old Town Square, where is also the greatest Prague Christmas Market. Then you’ll be on your own. All the restaurants in this part of Prague offer services in English.

Saturday, December 14 – Prague – Dresden

Today you have a chance to visit the famous Christmas market in Dresden,
Germany. In the morning we will go by train (about 2.5 hours) and we have reserved seating. Upon arrival in Dresden, we will walk to the city center. You will have time to discover the city, market, and those interested can visit local cathedral. In the afternoon we will take a train back to Prague and have a dinner together. Those not interested in this one day train trip can stay in Prague and we will meet for the dinner.

Sunday, December 15 – Prague

People who are interested in Christmas shopping can go on their own to the town and spend whole day as they wish. Some people may prefer to stay with the group. In this case we offer visit of Prague Ethnography Museum (folklore & kroje) and will learn about Czech Christmas traditions. Lunch will be on your own (menu in English available) and then you will have a free afternoon. People interested can join the guide and visit some of the smaller Christmas markets in Prague, which are usually set up for locals only. A farewell dinner will be at special restaurant to enjoy good traditional meal and a wonderful folkloric program.

Monday, December 16 – Prague – Fly Home

The tour ends this morning after breakfast, with a lifetime of wonderful memories and a huge education on European Christmas traditions. We expect that you will have different flights home at different times. Simply ask the front desk to order a cab for the airport. If anyone would like to stay longer, let us know and we will help you to extend your stay.

Go safely, comfortably and together. Secure your spot today!

This tour includes these benefits:

  • 10 Breakfasts
  • 2 Lunches
  • 4 Dinners
  • 6 different major city Christmas markets plus many smaller ones
  • Luxury motor coach transportation
  • Local guides
  • Regional entertainment including dance and music
  • Dining options

For more information please call (319) 362.8500 ext.200

Costs, Deposits and Payments

Single occupancy: $5,100.00 per person cash discount price
Double occupancy: $3,995.00 per person cash discount price

A minimum of 18 people is needed for this extraordinary trip.

Deposit of $300 is required to confirm your reservation.

Final payment is due on or before October 15, 2024

Cancellation Policy: deposit is not refundable. After July 5, final payment is
nonrefundable. Deposit is fully refundable if we need to cancel due to a lack of

Please make check payable to NCSML and mail to:
National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library
1400 Inspiration Place SW
Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Please visit our website:

or call us at the museum:

(319) 362.8500 ext.200