Dear Friends of NCSML,
Another year is coming much too quickly to an end. As we reflect on 2023, the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library (NCSML) met and exceeded their goals for the year. We could not do what we do without you. Your ongoing support enables NCSML to carry out our mission which has become even more critical in our turbulent world.
In May 2023, the NCSML Board of Trustees approved a new Mission: NCSML engages the global community with unique Czech, Slovak, and American stories to inspire individuals with universal themes of culture, freedom, democracy, and immigration. This reflects our cherished immigrant past and our commitment to preserve the freedom and democracy that our ancestors struggled and sacrificed for. The mission also highlights the importance for all of us to preserve our heritage and culture, no matter our background. Preservation of culture and identity is paramount to our future.