Celebrate important people in your life at an organization that celebrates life. This is a perfect place to honor relatives, family members, teachers, friends and others you admire, appreciate and love.
Summer Dedication Drive 2019

Paver $250
Honor others by placing their names among the pavers in the NCSML Heritage Garden. Pavers will be installed Spring 2020. Limit of 35 characters, including spaces, per line and three lines.

Wall of Tribute Plaque Listing $500
Have your loved one’s name join the others who have been honored on our Wall of Tribute or share an important message of pride and love here.
Add your chosen names to the NCSML Wall of Tribute Plaque located in Founder’s Hall. Limit of 35 characters, including spaces, per line and three lines.

Friends of Sleger House $500
Honor your ancestors of any cultural background at Sleger Home as a commemoration to the courage, hope and commitment they exhibited to make a new life in America.
Associate your name or that of a loved one with the popular Sleger Immigrant Home. The Friends fund will support the maintenance of this important historic artifact.

Theater Seat $1000
(30 available)
Choose this special gathering place at the NCSML to honor someone in the place where guests and visitors watch movies and presentations.
NCSML Theater Seat dedications have a special price during the Dedication Drive. Less than 30 seats are available for naming. Limit of 35 characters, including spaces, per line and three lines.

Picnic Table $2500
(Six available)
Think of that special person for whom sitting outside brought them joy, or for whom picnics held fond memories.
Six picnic tables are available as dedication opportunities. They will be installed Spring 2020. Limit of 35 characters, including spaces, per line and three lines.

Slovo Magazine Sponsorship $10,000
(One available per issue; two issues per year)
Our premier magazine is a unique and special place to honor your family, loved ones, organization or culture with a special message specially designed for you as the back cover of an issue.
You get the full back cover to honor someone special. A professional designer will create a cover you will be proud of. You will also receive a framed set of the front and back covers of your issue. All members receive this award-winning magazine. Contact us for upcoming issue themes to align with honorees’ story.

Gift of Accessibility $12,500
(One available)
The freedom to learn, experience and appreciate culture, art and history is something that comes with accessibility. Honor someone whose spirit, commitment to freedom, or awareness of accessibility issues deserves recognition.
Honor someone’s commitment to mobility, accessibility and freedom by sponsoring automatic doors to the library and other NCSML spaces. Your honoree and a special dedication message will be displayed near the library.