Czech ‘Em Out Book Club: Madam Secretary
Czech 'Em Out Book Club meets on the third Monday of each month with NCSML volunteer Steve Pederson in the Skala Bartizal Library following the reading of each months selected...
Czech 'Em Out Book Club meets on the third Monday of each month with NCSML volunteer Steve Pederson in the Skala Bartizal Library following the reading of each months selected...
The NCSML, inspired by the iconic Orloj found in Prague, celebrated its 50th anniversary by renovating the Buresh Immigration Clock Tower to include an astronomical clock, rotating figurines, and...
Czech Republic, Slovakia, and the US in 2025 (Culturally, Economically, Internationally) with Martin Bútora and Michal Žantovský Meet the Hosts: Miroslav (Mirek) Konvalina is a seasoned public diplomacy professional with extensive...
See members of the Cedar Valley Chapter of the Embroiderers’ Guild demonstrate their embroidery skills. Demonstrations take place at the museum each month on the fourth Thursday in Rozek Grand...
James and Marge Henderson have spent a lifetime collecting Bohemian painted porcelain. Their collection is now on exhibit at NCSML through May 26. James was so captivated by the beauty...
Advance your egg decorating skills with our limited workshop. Class participants will learn how to decorate eggs using the batik/wax resist method. The traditional wax resist process involves several stages...
Advance your egg decorating skills with our limited workshop. Class participants will learn how to decorate eggs using the batik/wax resist method. The traditional wax resist process involves several stages...
Advance your egg decorating skills with our limited workshop. Class participants will learn how to decorate eggs using the batik/wax resist method. The traditional wax resist process involves several stages...
Join us for a special concert event bringing together two acclaimed figures from the Czech jazz scene for an evening of unforgettable music. Legendary jazz pianist Emil Viklický, a graduate...