May 2, 2025

2025 Economic Summit
May 2 @ 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Growing the Future Together
Registration required by Thursday, April 10, 2025
A unique international partnership forum for delegations from the United States, Czech Republic and Slovakia building on the consequences of modern history with the participation of Miloslav Stašek, Czech Ambassador to the U.S. and Radovan Javorčík, Slovak Ambassador to the U.S., organized by The National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library (NCSML) and co-organized/supported by NCSML partners such as Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, DC, Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Washington, DC, Vaclav Havel Program for Human Rights and Democracy at Florida International University in Miami; Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance, Czech North American Chamber of Commerce & Culture (CNACCC Inc.), Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa, et al.
Held at the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library
1400 Inspiration Place SW, Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
Registration required by Thursday, April 10, 2025
Exhibit Ribbon Cutting with Dr. Martin Palouš, Former Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United Nations and Former Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United States
May 1 at 5 p.m., NCSML
NCSML Concert with Kylie T. Gougler
May 1 at 6 p.m., Rozek Grand Hall
Groundbreaking for Orloj Memorial Park
May 2 at 1 p.m., Buresh Immigration Clock Tower
NCSML Concert: Czech Baroque Meets Modern America
May 2 at 6 p.m., Rozek Grand Hall
President’s Society Preciosa Gala
May 3 at 5:30 p.m., Rozek Grand Hall & WFLA/ZCBJ Heritage Hall
NCSML Legacy Brunch
May 4, WFLA/ZCBJ Heritage Hall
Concert with Colorful People
May 5 at 7 p.m., WFLA/ZCBJ Heritage Hall
Concurrent NCSML Exhibits:
Faces of Freedom: The Czech and Slovak Story
Jiruska Gallery
Visit the replica of the steerage section of a steamer ship that brought immigrants to America. Stand in Wenceslaus Square amidst shaking keys at the height of the Velvet Revolution. View a Tatra secret police car, an authentic JAWA motorcycle, a replicated communist watch tower, glass, porcelain, and more.
Bohemian Decorated Porcelain: The Henderson Collection
Smith Gallery
James Henderson spent a lifetime finding exquisitely painted pieces of Bohemian porcelain and recently gifted the collection to NCSML.
Roma Foto Projekt
Skala Bartizal Library
Haunting photographs tell the story of an ethnic minority in Slovakia that struggles to survive.
This Glass World
Anderson Gallery
Contemporary Czech glass has had a remarkable influence on the development of studio art glass worldwide. This Glass World features works by important Czech artists including Bohumil Eliáš, Martin Rosol, Pavel Hlava, and Tomáš Hlavík.
The National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library in Cedar Rapids, IA
Co-organized and supported by the NCSML partners:

Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington, DC

Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Washington, DC

Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance

Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa
Vaclav Havel Program for Human Rights and Democracy, Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs, FIU, Miami
Czech North American Chamber of Commerce & Culture (CNACCC Inc.)
Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO)