
The Museum Guild presents Time for Tea

National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library 1400 Inspiration Pl SW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Enjoy tea, pastries, good company, and a presentation of 'A Century of Hats' by special guest Heather Edgington!


The Museum Guild presents Time for Tea

National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library 1400 Inspiration Pl SW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Enjoy tea, pastries, good company, and a presentation of 'A Century of Hats' by special guest Heather Edgington!


History on Tap: Czech Drinking Establishments (Backpocket Pilot Pub – Cedar Rapids)

Backpocket Pilot Pub 415 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Special guest Mark Stoffer Hunter, historian at The History Center, will share stories about local bars owned by Czech families. Find out where they were, what they served, and who was enjoying a pivo or two at these establishments!

Free, RSVP required

History on Tap: Czech Drinking Establishments (Backpocket Pilot Pub – Cedar Rapids)

Backpocket Pilot Pub 415 3rd St SE, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Special guest Mark Stoffer Hunter, historian at The History Center, will share stories about local bars owned by Czech families. Find out where they were, what they served, and who was enjoying a pivo or two at these establishments!

Free, RSVP required


National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library 1400 Inspiration Pl SW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

BrewNost! 2017  September 15, 6:30 – 10:00 pm Visit the BrewNost page to find all of the latest information! You don’t want to miss the crown jewel of international beer festivals. Be part of this exceptional evening of international beers, cider, wine, spirits, scrumptious hors d’oeuvres and merriment. John’s Grocery is preparing incredible line-up of international...


National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library 1400 Inspiration Pl SW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

BrewNost! 2017  September 15, 6:30 – 10:00 pm Visit the BrewNost page to find all of the latest information! You don’t want to miss the crown jewel of international beer festivals. Be part of this exceptional evening of international beers, cider, wine, spirits, scrumptious hors d’oeuvres and merriment. John’s Grocery is preparing incredible line-up of international...

History on Tap: “Never Rip it Out” (Lion Bridge Brewing Company – Cedar Rapids)

Lion Bridge Brewing Company 59 16th Ave SW, Cedar Rapids, IA, United States

Special guest Elizabeth Stigler will talk about a surprisingly illicit activity, mushroom hunting. It isn’t uncommon for Czechs to spend many weekends hunting mushrooms during the season, especially in the Czech Republic. However, in Cook County, due to illegality of mushroom hunting, Czech mushroom hunters have had to choose between their ancestral foodways or face legal repercussions. Through oral histories, learn more about the history of Cook County’s mushroom hunters, gendered labor, and ethnic identity.

Free, RSVP required