
Legacy Society 2019I had the pleasure of spending a few days in Cedar Rapids to meet with donors, NCSML team members and attendees of the Legacy Society Brunch. It was great to discuss with donors and friends the many great things happening at the NCSML; likewise, I enjoy sharing with the team the appreciation and respect of donors and members that I hear from around the country. Team members look forward to my “field notes” for a variety of reasons, but I would think a big reason is that what I learn around the country is how much people appreciate the creativity and dedication of the team members. All of us – team members, donors, members and friends – are concerned about how to connect younger audiences and supporters to the NCSML for the future. It is a challenge faced by all non-profits, and together we are working on effective solutions.

Upon my return to Texas, I met with board members of the Czech Center Museum Houston to discuss ways to look to the future and develop synergistic strategic plans. Let me know if your organization would like to have that conversation, too.